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The CYKLOTURISTIKA is a magazine mainly intent on recreative cycling, riding for joy of exercise, for plesure, for getting to know interesting regions both in the home country and abroad, and on cycling for sport. It concentrates exactly the sort of cycling that is done by the most of the bicycle owners.


The Cykloturistika brings its readers topical information on the organized undertakings, tips and advice for trips, cycling routes in their home country and abroad, information on bicycles at the market, offers of the travel agencies for cyclists, advice for the journeys (what they should take with them, how to mend things, what bicycle they should use...). Furthermore it brings complete tests of bicycles, complements and turist equipment, technical news for cycling turists, rapportages and practical advice from the journeys in the home country and abroad, expert articles on the physical condition and correct habits while riding a bicycle. There are mentioned some of the problems of the transport policy in the magazine, too. You can also find competitions for the readers, a crossword, a directory of the bicycle-shops and firms, and advertisment there.